Gitea - “Git with a cup of tea”… and a slice of Pi
Note: These instructions are superseded with my CLI that I wrote to ease the configuration. I am retaining these instructions so that the curious among you can see the details behind what the Lab CLI abstracts.
Let’s install Gitea on our Bastion host
This tutorial assumes that you have already configured your lab with the following guide: Build A Kubernetes Home Lab with OKD4
We’re going to install Gitea on the Raspberry Pi that we previously installed Nexus on.
Select the Lab subdomain that you want to work with:
Create a DNS entry for gitea on the edge router:
BASTION_HOST=$(yq e ".bastion-ip" ${LAB_CONFIG_FILE}) EDGE_ROUTER=$(yq e ".router" ${LAB_CONFIG_FILE}) echo "gitea.${LAB_DOMAIN}. IN A ${BASTION_HOST}" | ssh root@${EDGE_ROUTER} "cat >> /etc/bind/db.${LAB_DOMAIN}" ssh root@${EDGE_ROUTER} "/etc/init.d/named restart"
Really annoying Mac thing…
If you are on a Mac, you might have to give DNS a kick for it to resolve the gitea address:
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
Log into the Bastion Pi server:
ssh root@${BASTION_HOST}
Add the OpenShift wildcard certificate to the local keystore so that Gitea will trust Tekton Trigger routes that we’ll create later:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect console-openshift-console.apps.okd4.${SUB_DOMAIN}.${DOMAIN}:443 </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM > /etc/ssl/certs/apps.okd4.${DOMAIN}.crt
Install SQLite3 and ssh-keygen
opkg update && opkg install sqlite3-cli openssh-keygen
Install Gitea:
mkdir -p /usr/local/gitea for i in bin etc custom data db git do mkdir /usr/local/gitea/${i} done wget -O /usr/local/gitea/bin/gitea chmod 750 /usr/local/gitea/bin/gitea
Create a self-signed key pair for Gitea:
cd /usr/local/gitea/custom /usr/local/gitea/bin/gitea cert --host gitea.${DOMAIN} cd
Create the Gitea configuration file:
INTERNAL_TOKEN=$(/usr/local/gitea/bin/gitea generate secret INTERNAL_TOKEN) SECRET_KEY=$(/usr/local/gitea/bin/gitea generate secret SECRET_KEY) JWT_SECRET=$(/usr/local/gitea/bin/gitea generate secret JWT_SECRET) cat << EOF > /usr/local/gitea/etc/app.ini RUN_USER = gitea RUN_MODE = prod [repository] ROOT = /usr/local/gitea/git SCRIPT_TYPE = sh DEFAULT_BRANCH = main DEFAULT_PUSH_CREATE_PRIVATE = true ENABLE_PUSH_CREATE_USER = true ENABLE_PUSH_CREATE_ORG = true [server] PROTOCOL = https ROOT_URL = https://gitea.${DOMAIN}:3000/ HTTP_PORT = 3000 CERT_FILE = cert.pem KEY_FILE = key.pem STATIC_ROOT_PATH = /usr/local/gitea/web APP_DATA_PATH = /usr/local/gitea/data LFS_START_SERVER = true [service] DISABLE_REGISTRATION = true [database] DB_TYPE = sqlite3 PATH = /usr/local/gitea/db/gitea.db [security] INSTALL_LOCK = true SECRET_KEY = ${SECRET_KEY} INTERNAL_TOKEN = ${INTERNAL_TOKEN} [oauth2] JWT_SECRET = ${JWT_SECRET} [session] PROVIDER = file [log] ROOT_PATH = /usr/local/gitea/log MODE = file LEVEL = Info EOF
Create a user to run gitea
groupadd gitea useradd -g gitea -d /usr/local/gitea gitea chown -R gitea:gitea /usr/local/gitea
Create an init script to control Gitea:
cat <<EOF > /etc/init.d/gitea #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common START=99 STOP=80 SERVICE_USE_PID=0 start() { service_start /usr/bin/su - gitea -c 'GITEA_WORK_DIR=/usr/local/gitea /usr/bin/nohup /usr/local/gitea/bin/gitea --config /usr/local/gitea/etc/app.ini web > /dev/null 2>&1 &' } restart() { /usr/bin/su - gitea -c 'GITEA_WORK_DIR=/usr/local/gitea /usr/local/gitea/bin/gitea --config /usr/local/gitea/etc/app.ini manager restart' } stop() { /usr/bin/su - gitea -c 'GITEA_WORK_DIR=/usr/local/gitea /usr/local/gitea/bin/gitea --config /usr/local/gitea/etc/app.ini manager shutdown' } EOF chmod 755 /etc/init.d/gitea
Initialize the Gitea database:
su - gitea -c 'GITEA_WORK_DIR=/usr/local/gitea /usr/local/gitea/bin/gitea --config /usr/local/gitea/etc/app.ini migrate'
Create a couple of users:
The first user is your admin user, we’re naming it
:su - gitea -c "GITEA_WORK_DIR=/usr/local/gitea /usr/local/gitea/bin/gitea --config /usr/local/gitea/etc/app.ini admin user create --admin --username gitea --password password --email gitea@gitea.${DOMAIN} --must-change-password"
The second user is a developer user. You can repeat this command later with different user names to add more users:
su - gitea -c "GITEA_WORK_DIR=/usr/local/gitea /usr/local/gitea/bin/gitea --config /usr/local/gitea/etc/app.ini admin user create --username devuser --password password --email devuser@gitea.${DOMAIN} --must-change-password"
Enable the Gitea service and start it:
/etc/init.d/gitea enable /etc/init.d/gitea start exit
Trust the gitea certs on your workstation:
Mac OS:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect gitea.${LAB_DOMAIN}:3000 </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM > /tmp/gitea.${LAB_DOMAIN}.crt sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" /tmp/gitea.${LAB_DOMAIN}.crt
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect gitea.${LAB_DOMAIN}:3000 </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM > /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/gitea.${LAB_DOMAIN}.crt update-ca-trust
Now point your browser to
On Mac OS:
open -a Safari https://gitea.${LAB_DOMAIN}:3000
That’s it!