OpenShift Pipelines (Tekton) - Console

There’s a Console Too

Let’s pause from our CLI work for a moment and take a look at the OpenShift Web Console as it relates to Pipelines.

I know, I know…

You really don’t care about the GUI right?

You’re all in on the CLI.

Never fear, we’ll get back to the CLI soon enough…


Pipelines In The OpenShift Web Console

  1. If you are currently in the Developer perspective, switch to the Administrator perspective:




    You should now see additional options in the left-hand nav bar.

  2. From the left-hand nav bar, select Home -> Projects, then select the my-app project.

    You should now see the overview of the my-app project.


  3. Now select Pipelines in the left-hand nav bar.


    You should see an expanded list with Pipelines, Tasks, and Triggers.

  4. Select Pipelines from the expanded view in the left-hand nav:

    From here, you can use the horizontal tabs to explore Pipelines, PipelineRuns, PipelineResources, and Conditions.

    Note: PipelineResources are deprecated. Don’t use them.

    We haven’t discussed Conditions yet. We’ll save that for later.

  5. Look at the Pipelines:


    Clicking into an item in the list of Pipelines will show you the details of that pipeline:


    The stacked dot menu at the far right of each pipeline object in the list will expand to show you more options.

    Selecting start allows you to manually start a PipelineRun by providing the parameter values.


  6. Look at the PipelineRuns:


    Clicking into an item in the list of PipelineRuns will show you the details of that run:



  7. Select Tasks from the expanded view in the left-hand nav:

    From here, you can use the horizontal tabs to explore Tasks, TaskRuns, and ClusterTasks




    Clicking on any item in the list, will give you a detailed view of that item.

So… that’s the Console

We still haven’t written any application code… compiled it… or, deployed it.

That’s kind of important for CI/CD.

We also need to put the C into CI/CD.

So, let’s do that next. Then we’ll write some code! I promise.

Go here for the next lesson: OpenShift Pipelines (Tekton) - Triggers Basics