Happy New Year!

less than 1 minute read

Welcome to 2022…

I don’t have a new project related post for you today. I’ve been trying to take some down time from my lab, and instead play with my extensive collection of Lego bricks… I like to build giant castles… but, that’s a tale for another time.

I cannot believe how much attention my Bare-Metal OpenShift post received. I am thrilled that so many folks are finding this site useful.

I have therefore updated some of the navigation info for this site. I want to make it easier for you to find the specific projects that I post about.

My plans for 2022 are to continue to build on the work that I started this past fall, with tutorials for Quarkus based applications deployed in highly available, and highly scalable environments.

I’m going to take a break from infrastructure, and pivot to building a Quarkus based app with Cassandra and Kafka.

The ultimate destination is going to be a multi-region application, deployed across three OpenShift clusters.

Look for monthly, (approximately), posts on my progress.

In order to follow along, you are going to need at least 3 servers that you can deploy an OpenShift cluster on.

