It’s Been a While - A Lot Has Changed

less than 1 minute read

Well… I missed all of April. But I have not been idle.

Today I am introducing a major refactor of the lab tutorials. I have rewritten most of the pages to leverage the Lab CLI that I introduced back in March.

The rewritten pages start here: Home Lab Introduction

I have also added on to the Tekton Tutorial to show you how you can also use Tekton Triggers at an organizational level on Gitea. The same technique will also work with GitHub Organizations.

In this particular example, I show you how to automatically create an OpenShift namespace when a branch is created in a Git Repository.

The addition to the Tekton Tutorial is here: Triggers with a cup of Gitea - Branch Demo

Finally, I have completed the installation of a Three Region OpenShift cluster all running on bare metal.

This massive setup is complete with:

I’ll be blogging about that adventure shortly. In the mean time, here’s a pic of the monster setup:

3DC Lab
